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学院依托外国语大学的优势,响应“加强国际传播能力建设,增强国际话语权”的号召,以“求是 创新 博闻 笃行为院训,学院致力于培养具有全球视野、批判精神、人文底蕴,立足当下、立足现实、立足国家发展的复合型、国际型、应用型的新闻传播人才。










Founded in 2005, the School of Journalism and Communication featuring humanities, creativity, global vision, and digital education, has been designated the provincial base for cultivation of outstanding talents in journalism and communication in Liaoning as well as the only base for cultivation of outstanding talents in international journalism and communication in Northeast China, and the School are also committed to the construction of a vital base for international journalism and communication in Northeast China.

The School name has been inscribed by Fang Hanqi who is leading authority in the field of journalism and communication in China.

Relying on DUFL’s strength in foreign language teaching, the School, whose motto is “truth-seeking, creativity, knowledgeableness and practice”, is committed to nurturing versatile, global and practical talents with global vision, critical thinking and humanistic literacy in journalism and communication in accordance with the current social development of China and the national strategy “enhancing the capability of international communication and international discourse power”.

The School now offers undergraduate program in journalism, which is noteworthy for its emphasis on international journalism with intensive English instruction and journalism practice. The program will equip students with theoretical and professional knowledge in international journalism, empower students with English proficiency through four-year English study, and assist students in getting familiar with Chinese policies in international communication as well as western journalism in order that by means of all media students become competent for editing, hosting, interviewing and writing in both Chinese and English in international journalism. In the undergraduate education report, which was assessed by a third party and published by DUFL in 2018, journalism major has been on top of both Undergraduate Employability Rankings and the Overall Index of Undergraduate Education from class of 2013 to class of 2017.

The School also offers undergraduate program in communication which is noteworthy for its emphasis on international creative communication with intensive English instruction and practice. This program aims at cultivating students’ patriotism, intercultural communication skills, English proficiency and global vision, and is also devoted to harnessing student’s skills of using the latest media, and increasing their adaptability to media integration and creative development of media industry in order that students become talents in international communication who are competent in telling Chinese story well and spreading Chinese voice.

The School has initiated the first master’s degree program in International Communication of Chinese Culture in the second-level disciplines in China. This program aims at the cultivation of versatile and creative talents in International Communication of Chinese Culture through intensive English instruction and practice. Through this program, students will have a good grasp of theoretical and professional knowledge in the discipline, lay a solid foundation in both Chinese and Chinese culture, become familiar with relevant knowledge and theory in communication and develop proficiency in both English and intercultural communication.  

From 2020, the School begins to offer a minor program in journalism which is noteworthy for its emphasis on international journalism and communication as well as basic instruction and intensive practice. In compliance with the requirements of journalism majors, this program aims at empowering non-journalism majors with basic theory, knowledge and skills in journalism and communication through systematic and rigorous cultivation. The program is also devoted to nurturing versatile, global and practical talents with all-round qualities, creative spirit, interdisciplinary knowledge and theory, comprehensive and all-media working skills who can work in the field of journalism and communication in overseas media institutions, international organizations, institutions of foreign affairs and publicity to contribute to national and regional social and economic development.

The School boasts a team of faculty members with outstanding qualities, professional competence, and academic achievement. Also, we have more than twenty professional experts and renowned professors with exceptional academic achievement and rich experience from Xinhua News Agency, Yale University, etc., working in our school as part-time faculty. The School has reaped fruitful results in teaching and has been honored with the title of Provincial Excellent Teaching Team in Liaoning. Besides, teachers in our school have won the first prizes for three consecutive years in the group consisting of non-foreign language teachers in DUFL’s Young Teachers Teaching Contest. In recent years, the School has undertaken a series of teaching and academic research projects led by the major project of National Social Science Fund, and has published more than 300 research articles in academic journals such as Journalism and Communication Study and People’s Daily, as well as more than 40 academic books and textbooks. “The Chinese Culture Overseas Communication—Dalian Forum” hosted by our school has also gained great influence at home and abroad.

DUFL’s academic institution—Research Center of Chinese Culture Overseas Communication, a leading one in China, is owned by the School. The Center’s journal Chinese Culture Overseas Communication is the only Monographic Series in the field of Overseas Communication of Chinese Culture in China.

The School also collaborates with universities from countries and regions such as USA, UK, Australia, Czech, Canada, Hong Kong China, and Taiwan China in joint cultivation, and has established cooperative mechanism with those overseas counterparts through overseas study, short-period exchange, exchange visits of teachers and students, etc. The School has set up Provincial Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center for journalism and communication which is deemed as first-class in Northeast China, Provincial Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center, first-class Vocational Practice and Training Base, and the first Converged Media Lab and Intelligent Media Lab in universities of Northeast China.

Since the establishment of the School, postgraduate employment rate has remained steady at 100%, while undergraduate employment rate has been above 96%. The quality of graduates from our school has been highly recognized and praised by employers, and outstanding graduates are working in large media organizations, universities, public institutions and enterprises such as China News Service, Xinhua News Agency, Reuters, UK’s Financial Times, China Daily, Zhejiang University, Soochow University, East China Normal University, Shanghai International Studies University, University of Wisconsin, Huawei, Sina and Baidu. An increasing number of graduates of journalism and communication are stepping out to the world to publicize Chinese civilization and spread Chinese voice.


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